Lisa Vanhala
Lisa’s research focuses on the mobilization of law and norms to drive social and policy change…

Elisa Calliari
Elisa Calliari co-leads the cross-national comparative research on domestic loss and damage policy making, with a focus on developing countries….

Angelica Johansson
Angelica is a PhD student interested in the co-production of science and climate policy at the United Nations level…

Friederike Hartz
Friederike is a Research Assistant with the UCL Climate Change Loss and Damage Research Team…

Monserrat Madariaga Gómez de Cuenca
Monserrat is a Research Assistant with the UCL Climate Change Loss and Damage Research Team…

Noah Walker-Crawford
Noah Walker-Crawford is a Research Assistant with the UCL Climate Change Loss and Damage Research Team…

Vega is a research assistant looking into how Loss and Damage is approached in the Nordic countries…

Ineza Umuhoza Grace
Ineza is a Research Assistant with the UCL Climate Change Loss and Damage Research Team…

Latonya Williams
Latonya is a Research Assistant with the UCL Climate Change Loss and Damage Research Team…

Michai Robertson
Michai is Research Assistant with the UCL Climate Change Loss and Damage Research Team…
Advisory Board
- Reinhard Mechler, Deputy Program Director, Risk and Resilience - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
- Adelle Thomas, Senior Caribbean Research Associate - Climate Analytics
- Annalisa Savaresi, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Law - University of Stirling
- Antonio Canas Calderon, Head of the Technical Cabinet - Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) of El Salvador
- Colin McQuistan, Senior Advisor on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change - Practical Action
- Mariam Traore Chazalnoel, Thematic Specialist- Migration - Environment and Climate Change International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Emily Boyd, Director of the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) - Lund University
- Emily Wilkinson, Senior Research Fellow, Risk and Resilience Programme - Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
- Erin Roberts, Research Associate, Risk and Resilience Programme - Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
- Johanna Nalau, Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) Fellow - Griffith University