Friederike Hartz
Research Assistant
Friederike is a research assistant and interested in the evolution of L&D negotiations at international level, in particular regarding non-economic losses of Small Island Developing States.
Friederike holds a B.A. in Political Science from Free University Berlin and HEC Paris (Erasmus exchange). During her undergraduate studies, she worked on human rights, comparative environmental policy and sustainable business strategies. For her postgraduate studies, Friederike studied a Dual Degree in International Affairs from Sciences Po (M.A. International Security) and London School of Economics (M.Sc. International Security) with a specialisation in diplomacy. During an internship at the L&D Workstream at the UNFCCC secretariat in Bonn in Summer 2018, she gained first-hand insights into the governance processes of climate change L&D.
In August 2020, Friederike completed an M.Sc. in Environmental Sustainability from The University of Edinburgh, researching on the evolution and representation of L&D in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In October 2020, Friederike commenced her PhD at the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Her doctoral research builds on her IPCC-related work.
In her spare time, Friederike loves playing the piano and enjoys runs in the woods.